
Packing your hospital bag can be daunting. Check out our Hospital Bag Checklist for our ultimate checklist from our experience of having our children. Between us, we've given birth in 4 different hospitals!

We thought you'd find it helpful to do a comparison of what different hospitals look for. We certainly would have appreciated this comparison when we were having our kids. The hospital bag is such a mystery initially. When you look through the tables below, there are very few differences between the different hospitals and remember, you can always have additional items brought into you.

Check out our Mama's Hospital Bag Collections and Baby's Hospital Bag Collections which include all the necessities but with a touch of luxury and indulgence because we believe that every Mama-to-be and baby deserves comfort and style at this special time..

NMH Coombe Rotunda HSE Hospitals
For Mama
Nightdress for labour (front opening for skin to skin / nursing) + + + +
Night wear (front opening) + + + +
Dressing gown (light) + + + +
Flip flops + + Not listed but advisable +
Slippers + + + +
Toiletries + + + +
Towels X 2 (dark colour) + (additional for labour ward) + + + (1 per day)
Nursing bra x 2 + + + + or support vests
Large knickers 10 pairs (disposable not recommended) + + (disposable recommended) +
Breast pads + + + +
Maternity pads + (avoid plastic backed) + + +
Phone (doubles as camera) & Phone charger + + Not listed but advisable +
Hair ties Not listed but advisable + + +
Hair brush Not listed but advisable Not listed but advisable + Not listed but advisable
Own prescribed medications Not listed but advisable + Not listed but advisable Not listed but advisable
Socks for labour Not listed but advisable + + +
Hand sanitiser + + + Not listed but advisable
Let us take the hassle out of organising your hospital bag while being pampered. See our Mama Hospital Bag Bundles (Duchess & Queen Bee)
  • National Maternity Hospital (NMH) recommend the following additionally for labour bag: gym ball (leave in car until required), massage oils (if desired), preferred music, snacks for you & partner, tens machines & spare batteries if using
  • The Coombe recommend the following light snacks, magazines, birthing ball & tens machine & own pillow (if required)
  • The HSE hospital bag list recommends any birthing equipment e.g. birthing ball, tens machine, your own pillow, books etc, snacks, refillable water bottle.


  NMH Coombe Rotunda HSE Hospitals
For Baby
Vests** 5 6 + 6
Babygros 5 6 + 6
Cardigan + + + +
Hat Not listed + + +
Mittens Not listed Not listed Not listed Not listed
Baby towel + (2) + (1) + +
Baby Blankets Not listed + (2 cellular) Not listed + (2)
Muslin cloths Not listed but advisable Not listed but advisable Not listed but advisable +
Cot sheets Not listed + (2) Not listed + (2)
Newborn nappies + + + +
Cotton wool or baby wipes (water) + + + +
Nappy cream Not stated Not stated Not stated +
Baby bibs Not stated 6 + 6


**We recommend side opening vests for ease and to avoid additional discomfort for your new baby. See our Mama's Hospital Bag Baby Collections 
  • All hospitals require that baby is collected in a car seat for their journey home.
  • Going home outfit required for baby going home +/- warm blanket / coat (weather dependent).
  • In our experience- not every HSE hospital requires you to bring cot sheets for your baby. Some hospitals have individual physical lists which will be given to you during your antenatal care.
  • University Hospital Galway recommend 8 babygros & 8 vests.

 We hope you find this useful.


Grace & Sarah xxx


Hospital lists checked Sept 2020. Please see below links to individual hospital links:
HSE Hospital List: https://www2.hse.ie/wellbeing/child-health/hospital-bag-for-labour-and-birth.html
National Maternity Hospital: http://www.nmh.ie/labour-delivery/your-hospital-bag.13615.html
The Coombe: https://www.coombe.ie/your-hospital-bag
The Rotunda: https://rotunda.ie/hospital-bag/
University Hospital Galway: https://www.uhgmaternity.com/labour/what-to-pack-for-your-hospital-stay/
September 29, 2020